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More About Me...
Over 20 years ago I took my first trip to the USA. During my stay my friends took me to watch a clinic being held by a man that who's methods were described to me as different and 'not like I've seen before.
I was totally captivated from the first moments of the first day to the last minute of the final day, everything made sense to me and more importantly it appeared to make sense to the horses in the clinic and from the groundwork though to the first saddling and rides everything was done with feel for the horse not to the horse until it started to look like a feel following a feel instead of what I was so used to seeing, the horse being made to fear whips and spurs and force being used to try to make the horse do the humans bidding.
By the end of the last day all the horses had made a huge change and were becoming willing partners to their humans.
At the end of the clinic the horseman said to everyone,
"I wish it could all fall right into place for you all right now. But it doesnt, it has to become a way of life, Its a way you think, its a way you live."
"You cant make any of this happen but you can let and cause it to happen by working at it".
That Horseman was a man called Ray Hunt and ever since that clinic I've made horsemanship a way of life, the way I think and the way I live, I've been to the USA many times for short and long stays to learn more from Ray and other horseman and women, many of which have been disciples of Ray Hunts.
Its fair to say its a way of life for me now.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the fine horsemen & women that
I have met, have influenced me, been mentors in different ways to me and that i have
been fortunate enough to learn from.
And above all I want to acknowledge and thank my friend and greatest teacher,
‘The Horse’
click here to leave a comment/testimonial.
I would love to hear you comments, so if you have something you would like to share just fill in the box below and it will be displayed on the photo gallery page shorty.
Higher Gabwell Stud
If you love Arab horses and you are looking for that perfect young horse or the perfect stallion to put your mare to then this stud is worth contacting.
The Stallion 'Stig'! has such a great laid back but willing temperament and is a pleasure in every way.
Click below to have a look at what they offer.
Horsemanship 2015
Well 2015 is here already, what happened to 2014?!
2014 was a fantastic year for me, i decided to focus on my local areas instead of spending to much time behind the steering wheel and its been fantastic with lots of new local clients.
I have worked with a high number of trailer/lorry loading issues over the year and i think the big lesson for people is that prior preparation is vital to avoid issues when you NEED your horse to load.
A perfect example of this happened at Christmas when a 7 month old filly at a stud had a nasty accident and needed to be rushed to the vet hospital, fortunately I had done some loading training with this filly just 4 weeks before and it was quick and easy to load this young horse.
So this year think, could you load your horse in an emergency with no problems or delays?
Please get in touch if you would like my help in 2015.
With being close to home I've been able to put some time into my own 6 year old Johnny and we have had great success competing in British Dressage including qualifying for, and being placed in some bigger regional championships. I'm aiming to continue with this success in 2015 with young Johnny pictured below.

Horsemanship 2014
Welcome to 2014, the Chinese year of the horse!
Last year I made a great many visits to clients with problems and frequently found one problem being overlooked in favour of addressing mental/emotional issues, that is the horses physical well being. I've seen to many horses especially youngsters labelled 'naughty' or a 'problem' horse when the underlying problem is pain/soreness especially in the back.
For many, especially the youngsters it can just be muscle soreness but for some, in particular if difficult behaviour persists it could be more. So its always worth a physical check up and a check of tack fitment/condition to be sure your horse is not simply and rightfully protesting because your putting them through pain and discomfort.
I am mostly working in my local areas of south/mid Devon and Cornwall this year but if you would like me to visit your area for a clinic it can be arranged!
Horsemanship 2013
It's been a really good year seeing old and new clients, as always I am proud to have help many horses and owners with their issues. 2013 really was a breakthrough year for many with their more challenging problems, so a very well done to you in your dedication, courage and will to overcome your hurdles.
I to have had a really productive year introducing my own young horse (pictured right) to the world of affiliated dressage. We have had some great results so far and we're still making good progress so I'm looking forward to some big things in 2014!

Also during 2013 I was featured in the favourite weekly equine publication, click on the link below to view.
Horsemanship 2012
It was a good 2012 helping owners with horses of all shapes and sizes with everything from being wild and untouched to performance related issues.
Also I have been teaching some of my clinics with my regular students making great progress with their horses.
I've also had the opportunity to get my young horse started under saddle and having had a great start he is now turned away for winter.
Then on to the the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games to see our equestrian teams make history in the arena, I'm sure that despite the weather being so wet this made 2012 a most memorable year.
Pictured below- Some horsemanship highlights in 2012

Some of my Quotes and Horsemanship wisdom!
I often find myself repeating these things to different people I Visit so I thought I'd put a few here to help some of you remember!
Ask, Tell, Promise! many people find this harder than it sounds when communicating with the horse. often an ask is not as 'light and polite' as it could be or missed altogether often leading to 'nagging' with a Tell but never reinforced with a promise.
Horses can be like educating educating children. If you only send your children to school a few times a month or inconsistently, the education and development will be limited at best. consistent quality is vital if you really want to develop a dependable partner in you horse, young or old.
Allow the horse to learn. Humans get so wrapped up in getting things done with the horse, in spite of this he may achieve the task in that moment but he is rarely given opportunity to be allowed to learn, this actually takes less time than you may think and it will pay off for you at a later date. Hurry up and slow down!!
The horse is your mirror. To help him make a change I often tell people to work on themselves. Please don't get offended by this, like your horse I am just being honest.
More to come when I have time to sit in front of the computer again! Get out there and enjoy your horses!
There is now a new articles page on this site click picture above to view.
Horsemanship in 2011
Horsemanship in 2011
I Had a busy 2011 helping a huge number of horses, starting young horses and educating people.
I was also busy with my own personal development and had some great lessons from some inspirational teachers including Lee Pearson CBE.
l also attended some great events to spectate in 2011 including Badminton horse trials and the National dressage championships and saw some great riding and fantastic horse/rider partnerships.
Below is Devon's Mary King on Imperial Cavalier as always doing a fantastic job at Badminton Horse Trials.

Summer 2010 Horsemanship
(click to view)
The Royal Horse Gala 2010
Well I have had an Inspirational weekend and seen some of the finest horsemanship in the world today at the o2 Arena in London at The Royal Horse Gala.
The show had impressive stallions - Lipizzaners from the Lipica Stud; Andalusians from the Spanish Riding school of Samuel Lopez Ortiz at Albecete; Friesians from the Royal Stud of the Netherlands.
There was a demonstration of Wonderful horsemanship from Raphel Lopez, Master Horse Trainer of Caballos Espanoles and French horse whisperer, Jean-Marc Imbert amongst others. (Click pictures below)

Raphel Lopez, Horse Trainer of Caballos Espanoles.

Andalusians from the Spanish Riding school of Samuel Lopez Ortiz; Friesians from the Royal Stud of the Netherlands.

Stunning display by the Andalucian and Friesian stallions.
Jean-Marc Imbert roman riding bridleless and bare-back.
This is a very old video somebody made for me of my old horse Dakota, he would have been about 5 years old at the time, i was a bit younger too!